Building Beautiful Machines
in Incredible Worlds
David McDonough
Owner & Developer
My Game Design Testament
If I could name one source on what makes good game design, this GDC ’16 talk by Mark Rosewater, the lead designer of Magic: The Gathering, would be it. When I first saw this years ago, I do not overstate that…
Is PvP Dead?
Despite the title it’s a good refresher on what makes PvPvE tick and some pros and cons of PvP and PvE.
Plucky Squire and Teaching a Game
Zelda-Inspired Plucky Squire Shows What Happens When A Game Doesn’t Trust Its Players Interesting take. Not sure I agree with everything but it is instructive to think about how your game can ruin its own appeal by overexplaining itself in the interest…
PvPvE is ‘Game Dev on Hard Mode’
PvPvE is ‘a holy grail of game design,’ says Space Marine 2 director, and he’s got no plans to chase it: ‘A lot of studios are trying to find it and a lot of them fail’